600 Fairmount Avenue
Suite 201
Towson, Maryland 21286

Phone: 410.337.7424
Fax: 410.828.7214

Vinod Thankappan & Associates, PA (VTACPAs) is a full-service public accounting firm serving both businesses and individuals in the greater Baltimore metropolitan area, as well as throughout the United States, for over 25 years.

Our staff consists of certified public accountants and paraprofessionals, all of whom participate in continuing professional education. You can be assured of receiving services built upon a foundation of current up-to-date information, regulations and tax law.

Our firm offers standard and customized services to meet your specific needs.

VTACPAs has consistently and successfully completed peer reviews of its accounting and auditing practice. Translated, this means our firm complies with the stringent quality control standards set by the AICPA, that national organization of CPAs.

 VTACPAs is Yellow Book qualified; meaning our firm can perform engagements under the Government Auditing Standards.

 VTACPAs is a member of both the American Association of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants (MACPA).


© 2007 Vinod Thankappan & Associates, PA     600 Fairmount Avenue, Sute 201     Towson, Maryland 21286     Phone: 410.337.7424     Fax: 410.828.7214